"Out of the Dark" a group show: Nicole Boyce, Alysha Farling, Max Kendall, Ian George, Sam Sharp, Kyle Vibes, Logan Ford, Kristofer Ray, Maddy Knott, Seb Evans, Jakob Alivar (Draladesigns) @ Studio Robazzo Dec 18 2015

Fri. December 18th 2015 - Wed. December 23rd 2015 Studio Robazzo F-2001 Douglas St.
(All Ages) 10 am to 5 pm

Opening: Friday 18th December 2015
9 pm

Studio Robazzo
2001 Douglas St.

*Art by*
Nicole Boyce
Alysha Farling
Max Kendall
Ian George
Sam Sharp
Kyle Vibes
Logan Ford
Kristofer Ray
Maddy Knott
Seb Evans
Jakob Alivar (Draladesigns)

Nicole Boyce

I create art as a way to communicate with my soul. I find the limitless possibilities both relax and invigorate my nature to question and doubt reality, past, present and future. I develop and learn through influence and dedication. I'm inspired by femininity both my own as well as all that surrounds me. more info

Logan Ford (Island landscapes)

Logan Ford was born in Calgary, AB in 1985. As the son of an artist, he began painting an early age and has studied art independently for most of his life. Since moving to Vancouver Island in 2007, Logan has drawn a great deal of inspiration from the west coast landscape. more info